Sunday, March 20, 2011


I never realized podcasting was so popular. I do know what it is and how to use it. I just never knew anyone who did. Since I will be teaching a math class, it would be difficult to use podcasting in my classroom. And I don't think I want to either. But in a Literature or Foriegn Language class I can see unlimited uses for podcasting.

Podcating can be used in many ways. But it is basically a blog spoken aloud by the author who can also put music in the background. And it can also be a wiki spoken aloud. However I see a podcast as a blog with a voice.

Yes I own an iPod. Mainly I use my iPod when I run, to listen to music, so the run isn't so boring. I don't think I would use my iPod in the classroom. I think in a math class it would be too distracting. I think the best onlince communication tool is a blog. I for one do not like to hear my own voice. Also I can use blogging in my math class easier than I could use podcasting.

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R.M., Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful Learning with Technology. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall

Miranda Jones

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Community Building with Technologies

    After doing our Journal Critique I found a wonderful way to incorporate blogging into my math class. I did not ever think I would find a way to incorporate the internet into math but I found many projects that do. I am going to have a blog for each of my classes and a student will have to review the lesson plan on the blog at the end of the day. This way they are not just learning from me, they are learning from a student who may have had the same problem working on a certain formula.
      Social Bookmarking is a great way to share important websites without having to give alot of information. I am not sure how I can incorporate it into a math class. Maybe with videos or if I make a project with links to certain websites that would be helpful but they may be all I can do. I do not think I will do the VoiceThread because it is just like a blog except with voice communications and I do not think it will help my students with math to dicuss problems with no writing to go along with it.
       I have never heard of Tapped In until I read this chapter. I think it is a great idea. Teachers need all the help they can get to keep students interactive in the classroom. And the best way is trial and error unless another teacher has already come up with a good idea. On Tapped In you can tell teachers what you have learned and you can learn from them as well.

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R.M., Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful Learning with Technology. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall

Miranda Jones

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Chapter 10

Using assessment activities help you gage the progress you students are making on a certain area of a subject or on an entire subject. Assessment activities can be used to generate feedback. If students have to look at their work over a few times and in the activity they have some freedom they will learn what they have mistakes on and what they have done really well on.
An e-portfolio is a collection of works representing what a person has learned over a period of time and that can be reviewed by one or more people. An e-portfolio helps teachers gage how well a student does over time and is an easier way to collect data. It help student because it gives them freedom to reflect on their own work and the freedom to make corrections. A computer-based test is a test that students complete on the computer or on a computer-scored test.  Computer-based tests help collect data on student progress. They can be very reliable if given and used a in appropriate manner.
I have always that general based testing or assessment such as the ACT did not give any student any credit. You can be very smart, but may not be a very good test taker. I know many students that are this way. Most students excel in one or two subjects, but not in all subjects.

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R.M., & Crismond, D. (2008) Meaningful Learnign with Technology. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall