Sunday, February 27, 2011

Chapter 10

Using assessment activities help you gage the progress you students are making on a certain area of a subject or on an entire subject. Assessment activities can be used to generate feedback. If students have to look at their work over a few times and in the activity they have some freedom they will learn what they have mistakes on and what they have done really well on.
An e-portfolio is a collection of works representing what a person has learned over a period of time and that can be reviewed by one or more people. An e-portfolio helps teachers gage how well a student does over time and is an easier way to collect data. It help student because it gives them freedom to reflect on their own work and the freedom to make corrections. A computer-based test is a test that students complete on the computer or on a computer-scored test.  Computer-based tests help collect data on student progress. They can be very reliable if given and used a in appropriate manner.
I have always that general based testing or assessment such as the ACT did not give any student any credit. You can be very smart, but may not be a very good test taker. I know many students that are this way. Most students excel in one or two subjects, but not in all subjects.

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R.M., & Crismond, D. (2008) Meaningful Learnign with Technology. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall

1 comment:

  1. mlj23,

    I do not know who you are. Please sign in your first and last name at the bottom of every posting.


